HPC container runtime performance overhead: At first order, there is none

Torrez, Alfred, Reid Priedhorsky, and Timothy Randles. “HPC container runtime performance overhead: At first order, there is none.” (2020).


  • Charliecloud
  • Shifter
  • Singularity


LANL’s CTS-1 clusters Grizzly (1490 nodes,
128 GiB RAM/node; HPCG) and Fog (32 nodes, 256 GiB RAM/node; SysBench, STREAM, and HPCG)



  • SysBench




    内存性能。编译选项 STREAM_ARRAY_SIZE=2,000,000 –cpu_bind=v,core,map_cpu:23。跑了100个单独的线程。

    We compiled with STREAM_ARRAY_SIZE set to 2 billion to match the recommended 4× cache and pinned the process to a semi-arbitrary core using the Slurm argument –cpu_bind=v,core,map_cpu:23.


  • HPCG(High Performance Conjugate Gradients)

    We used a cube dimension of 104 and a run time of 60 seconds, all 36 cores per node, one MPI rank per core, and one thread per rank.


  • memory usage

    To understand node memory usage with STREAM, we computed MemTotal – MemFree from /proc/meminfo, sampled at 10-second intervals.

    Bare metal total node usage was a median of 50.8 MiB. Charliecloud added 1200 MiB, Shifter 16 MiB, and Singularity 37 MiB.


    For HPCG, we sampled at 10-second intervals the writeable/private field of pmap(1), which reports memory consumption of individual processes. Median memory usage for all three container technologies is, to two significant figures, 0.64% lower than bare metal at 1 node, 0.53% lower at 8 nodes, 0.53–0.54% lower at 64 nodes, and 1.2% higher at 512 nodes, a minimal difference.